The Day After

Comprehensive analysis and optimistic takes on the power of brands in rebuilding Israeli society

Firma Report 2024

On the day after* the war, Israel will be a different country. Its new identity is up to us.
Considering our line of work – leading dozens of branding and product processes – we set out to learn, assess and consult. This is what The Day After report is all about.
Over and over, we have all said and heard that anything prior October 7th is irrelevant, and we can’t go about things the same way we used to. From politics and IDF to communication and social conversation, Israeli society is thirsty for a sweeping change. October 7th has definitely shuffled the cards, turning current events into our national reset button. Once pushed correctly, new life will flourish again.
*The day after is an empty expression. You have to imagine the day after with courage, plan wisely and make it happen, through taking responsibility and being a personal example.
The making of this report, and its goals
The Brandman Institute survey helped us map out common fears from the day after the war, and the expectations of companies and organizations. The results are interesting.
Our key question was – what can be done differently, and how can we step away from familiar actions, such as corporate social responsibility, and dig deeper in order to fully participate in the reformation of Israeli society.
The Day After report was created following research, namely surveys by the Brandman Institute, and a professional workshop held at Firma on November 30th, hosting 30 managers from different companies, in different sizes and fields.
איך נוצר הדו"ח ומה הוא בודק
בסקר שעשינו עם מכון ברנדמן, רצינו לבדוק ממה הציבור חושש ביום שאחרי המלחמה ומה הוא מצפה מחברות ומותגים. התוצאות היו מאוד מעניינות אם כי לא מאוד מפתיעות.
שאלת המפתח היא מה אפשר לעשות אחרת; איך אפשר לצאת מהמשבצות המוכרות של אחריות תאגידית, ולפעול באופן עמוק יותר כדי לקחת חלק בחברה הישראלית החדשה, שמייצרת ערך חדש.
הדו״ח הוא תוצר של למידה שכללה בין היתר: מחקר צרכנים, שנעשה באמצעות מכון ברנדמן וסדנה של כשלושים מנהלות ומנהלים בחברות שונות במשק, בגדלים שונים וממגוון התחומים, שהתקיימה בפירמה ב-30.11.
Survey Results

Israeli society's greatest fear is the economy

We asked survey respondents: what are the most significant challenges Israelis will have to face post-war?

The public perceives companies as financially powerful

In which challenges can companies make a difference?
First Place
2nd, 3rd Place

What can companies do to affect these challenges?

The public expects companies to be economically thoughtful, prices and employment wise

How likely is it that business companies will conduct themselves thoughtfully

The public is pessimistic, most of them do not believe that companies will buckle down and change anything about their behavior.
1 - Very Low
10 - Very High

Israeli society's greatest fear is the economy

We asked survey respondents: what are the most significant challenges Israelis will have to face post-war?

In which challenges can companies make a difference?

The public perceives companies as financially powerful
First Place
2nd, 3rd Place

What can companies do to affect these challenges?

The public expects companies to be economically thoughtful, prices and employment wise

How likely is it that business companies will conduct themselves thoughtfully

The public is pessimistic, most of them do not believe that companies will buckle down and change anything about their behavior.
1 - Very Low
10 - Very High
The research was done in collaboration with the Brandman Institute
ארבעת החששות שעלו במחקר

החשש הגדול ביותר של החברה הישראלית הוא המצב הכלכלי

במחקר הצרכנים, שאלנו: מהם האתגרים המשמעותייםשיעמדו בפני החברה הישראלית בימים שלאחר המלחמה?

הציבור תופס חברות עסקיות כרבות השפעה בעיקר באספקטים כלכליים

על אילו אתגרים יש לחברותעסקיות יכולת להשפיע?
מקום ראשון
מקום 2,3

משכך, הוא מצפה מחברות להתנהלות מתחשבת מבחינת מחירים ותעסוקה

מה חברות עסקיות יכולות לעשות כדי להשפיע על האתגרים אלה?
The role and responsibility of brands the day after in key pain points
Taking responsibility and creating meaning for a better Israeli society
The Brandman Institute research shows that the top expectation from the business sector is to not be greedy.
However, the business sector is beyond money. Its impact and meaning are measured in other ways, same as its ability to pave the way for a better society through unity, rehabilitation, and overall mental well-being.
In the workshop we hosted at Firma, two words kept popping up: accountability and optimism. The business sector realizes it has a responsibility to lead a fairer market, better experiences, a country and companies that give back to society. This understanding creates an optimistic approach that drives us to create something truly better.
Brand wise this sort of activity is highly valuable, as it builds trust – which, for brands, is the most precious currency of them all.