How can we empower a depressed and trauma-stricken country?
14% of respondents believe this to be the most significant challenge for Israeli society.
The deep wound of October 7th keeps on expanding, and hurts us in two dimensions: Personally, we’re facing difficult sights and stories of hostages and long combat. This leaves Israelis largely in a different states of trauma.
Nationally, the heavy grief weighing our country and economy down, might settle in for good and cover Israel under a permanent thick cloud of depression and anxiety. Celebrations, smiles and the belief in a better future will become elusive – and the more difficult the feelings, the greater impact they’ll have on the economy and so on, in a never-ending cycle.
The big challenge:
a never-ending cycle of depression
Social and economic conditions stem directly from public emotions
The illegitimacy of joy
The public might feel that joy, fun, vacations and shared good times are out of place. Even a simple “how are you?” becomes a trigger for eye rolls.
Depressive discourse
Between daily announcements on loss of lives and conversations on the state and fate of hostages, depression is present. How can we light some crucial beacons of hope for a healthier society and economy?
A depressing Freeze mode
Such is the nature of this cycle: depression drains energy, which leads to inactivity, thus strengthening depression, and so on. What can we do to break the cycle?
Sensitive action
Encourage action that encourages success
Volunteering is a great example for a greater-good activity that simultaneously affects positively on volunteers, as well. During war, it's positive for both volunteers and farmers. This is a beacon we have to keep powering up and preserve.
Arrange employee group volunteering.
Encourage customers to volunteer (and reward them, for lower prices to exclusive access)
Empathetic discourse and service
Trauma and anxiety will probably stay a while, and although currently hard to assess in numbers, it’s safe to assume they’re significant. Empathy is the key, in all touch points, with all audiences. It is imperative for a new society to build itself – and for economic strength equally.
Train service and sales personnel to offer sensitive and aware meetings.
Prepare to accept reservist employees back and understand they might have gone through notable hardships (include psychological therapy budget, organizational support circles and recognize mental health days).
Allow returning reservists to work remotely.
How can we take action?
The role and responsibility of brands the day after in key pain points